Thursday, March 13, 2014

It Finally Happened...

Oh NO!  On my way to deliver the money I owed Ken for fixing the seatbelt holes and heat, Oscar sputtered and died on me.  It was very strange.  He would idle okay, but whenever I gave him gas, he would act like he was going to sputter and stall out.  I made it down 240 a little ways and then struggled to turn around and get back home.  I had AAA tow him to Ken, and now I am waiting for the diagnosis.  Ah, never a dull moment with a 50-year-old car.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring Break- Day 2

Oscar and I had a busy day today.  I began the day by waxing his front and rear bumpers and tail pipes.
They cleaned up real well.  Those old-fashioned bumpers are so much cooler than the 70's bumper blades.   LOVE THE HEADLIGHTS!
Note the vintage plate.  Needs some reconditioning, but still cool.
Still puzzled by my inability to find the holes for the seatbelts, OScar forced the issue when the front trunk got stuck.  Off to Ken we go!

Ken very nicely drilled some holes in the car after we figured out where the seat belts should have been.  Contrary to what he said, Ben did indeed weld the pans over the holes.  Ken's helper, Jordan, also fixed the heat in Oscar, and of course we got the front trunk open.
There's Ken drilling the hole in from the outside
Under side of hole for seat belt bolt

Damn that engine is clean. Is it new?

Spring Break!

I spent my first day of Spring Break working on cleaning up Oscar.  I waxed the dash, polished up the radio, connected the radio so it would light up, fixed the glove box door, removed and polished the lock, polished the chrome wheels, and even took Oscar to get some clips for the "1300" sign onrear deck lid.  Good times!

Dash before I cleaned it up
Dash AFTER I cleaned it up

Shined up real nice, didn't it?
Sitting in the drive way after I polished Oscar's rims.  Nice!

Oscar's first full gas tank (with me!)

Oscar in the Night.  Hot.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


The weather had finally cleared up and warmed up, so I've taken to cover off of Oscar and driven him a couple times.  Fun!

Welcome Home!

After spending almost two weeks at NethKen, I finally brought Oscar home.  Melissa helped me pick him up.

Ken did a lot of stuff, though I'm not exactly sure as the receipt is in the glove box which doesn't open easily.

To my knowledge Ken
-repaired the hole in the front passenger side foot well
-replaced the starter because the car wouldn't start
-set the points and timing to get the car running okay
-fixed the brakes.  Not sure what was involved here, but they are now better than the brakes ever were on Bernie or Dudley.